Autentik by Irene Hubers
Dis-cover your Autentik self
I create spaces where you, at your unique pace, can find the safety to (re-)connect to your physical body (sensations) and to your heart (feelings & emotions). So that you will dis-cover the way you want to navigate your life and allow yourself to take the next step towards its realization.
discover my gateways
On my journey I experienced and have experimented with different healing modalities that supported me to dis-cover and step into my true and Autentik Self. Some of them turned out to be important gateways for me to support me from navigating life from my mind, led by expectations and needs of others, to a life led in alignment and integrity with myself.
The gateways that where (and are) most impactful and supportive on my journey became part of my skill set that I integrate in my work, consisting of:
♥ Working with Cacao medicine
♥ Trauma informed, nervous system healing & expansion
♥ Rebirthing breathwork
♥ Emotional healing processes
♥ Mindfulness based practices
Work with me
I’m your guide to go and prioritize your mental & emotional well-being
I am your guide to start to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being at your unique and natural pace. I am here to help you unlock the power of your pure feelings, to distinct them from and heal emotional feelings and to dis-cover the inherent intelligence of your physical body. With Autentik I offer 1:1 and group sessions & containers in which I incorporate and blend the gateways in which I have become skilled in a unique and authentic way.
Personal 1:1 guidance
I am your guide to start priotitize your mental and emotional well-being at your unique and natural pace. Let me guide you 1:1 with the gateways I’ve becomed skilled in, to move towards a life in alignment and integrity with your Autentik self.
The magic of a group
When women gather so much wisdom is shared and magic happens. As a team we can support and inspire each other. Together we’ll explore how it is to BE with each other without any mask(s), no need to show up a certain way. You are welcome as you authentically are.
Cacao ceremonies & experiences
During cacao ceremonies and experiences the welcoming, motherly energy of ‘Mama Cacao’ will help us to open up to that what desires our loving attention.
cacao from guatemala
Autentik Cacao
Cacao is a wonderful medicine to use for a moment of connection with yourself and / or others. An intentional moment to open your heart to everything that wants to be felt and experienced, supported by the loving, maternal energy of mama cacao.
Autentik Cacao is grown, fermented and dried by the local people of Lanquin (Alta Verapaz region) at Regenerative Impact Center Tuqtuquilal. The cacao is then roasted, peeled and grounded by women’s collectives in San Marcos la Laguna on Lake Atitlan. This entire process is supported and supervised by the dedicated team of Cacao Source, from whom I receive the cacao here in the Netherlands.
You can order packages of 450 grams or 60 grams.

About irene
My dis-cover journey
My name is Irene. I am an experience expert in the dis-cover journey of moving from the head into the heart, of connecting with my (feeling) body. A journey from living life according to expectations and needs of others, afraid of not being loved and accepted, towards living a life from a heart- centered place. A journey of returning to and OWNING my Autentik self.

by Irene Hubers